Inspiring Instagrams

Dreamy Dining Room Table Setting | Gather Goods Co

The dreamiest table setting. What’s prettier than a collection of ceramics, tableware and plants on a farmhouse table in a room with lots of light? This tabletop moment from the instagram of Jersey Ice Cream Co, a husband and wife home designer and stylist team, makes me want to pull up a chair.

Iced Hot Chocolate Drink | Gather Goods Co

I really miss making and serving up drinks like we did at the old Gather space. Now that the weather is hot I’m craving delicious iced drinks. This iced hot chocolate from the instagram of Durham’s Cocoa Cinnamon looks amazing.

Kitchen Studio Space | Gather Goods Co

As a seriously introverted person (who does a good job of making it seem otherwise) I crave time in my own space and waffle between having a public space like Gather is now, or just a home studio where I can do my photography and styling work, have an online shop only, and do events separately. My extroverted friends get stir crazy by themselves and at home, whereas I’m the opposite and thrive and am most inspired by my lonesome with little bursts of outside stimulation. I love the idea of having a home kitchen photo studio like Seattle based food photographer Cannelle et Vanille that she showcased on her instagram.

Meryl Streep Quote | Gather Goods Co

And as a person who lives mostly in my head, I find that mind over matter is a big thing these days. I love this quote by Meryl Streep posted on Clementine Daily’s instagram about putting blinders. Yes.

Sunset Beach on the Picnic | Gather Goods Co

And speaking of checking out, don’t you just love this photo by Local Milk she posted on her instagram. Don’t you want to be here on this blanket on the beach having a picnic? I do.

Plant Filled Shop Shelves | Gather Goods Co

I always love seeing how others shops merchandise their shelves. U.K. based Botany which sells plants and home wares and seems a kindred spirit, posted this shot on their instagram.

Beautiful Ceramic Mugs

Teal Ceramic Mugs | Gather Goods Co

I’m a sucker for handmade ceramics and these beautiful mugs in the shop are so good. They are also made here in North Carolina.

Teal Ceramic Mugs | Gather Goods Co

The mugs are perfectly proportioned for holding in your hands with a delicate but sturdy handle.

Teal Ceramic Mugs | Gather Goods Co

The glaze color reminds me of looking at the ocean with varied shades of blue and green.

Teal Ceramic Mugs | Gather Goods Co

And in addition to regular mug sizes, we also carry stacking espresso cup sizes too.

Photos by Michelle Smith. Hire me for your next project.

Shop Spotting, Sukah Amsterdam

Last year at this time my husband, daughter and I were in Europe for about a month. My husband had the opportunity to work at his company’s German headquarters so my daughter and I tagged along and explored. Every weekend we traveled to another country and explored there too because of the close proximity of countries to Dusseldorf, our home base. I took a lot of photos, mostly of shops and flowers because I knew this was a once in a lifetime thing and I may not get the chance again. The trip was so inspiring to me as a designer and shop owner.

One of our weekend trips was to Amsterdam. Every store here was beautiful, plant-filled, white and bright. I really loved how all the shops we went to in Europe really cared about their shop exterior and interior.

Sukah Amsterdam | Gather Goods Co

Despite the chilly weather in Amsterdam, there were gorgeous, exotic, fresh cut flowers in vases in every shop, candles lit, and attention paid to the smallest details. The shop Sukah Amsterdam was just stunning. I loved the climbing vine framing the storefront window and the script type decal on the window in white. The potted planters with dainty purple flowers in them were the perfect accent.

Sukah Amsterdam | Gather Goods Co

Inside Sukah, everything was very neutral. The display pieces were all white which really allowed the merchandise to pop. Despite the lack of color in the shop, the space still felt warm because of the materials and textures they used for their displays: rope, wool fabrics, wood and yarn.

Sukah Amsterdam | Gather Goods Co

Every area of the shop was creatively merchandised and designed for your imagination to be sparked but also left plenty of eye-pleasing blank space for you to take in what you just saw. Here you see jewelry displayed in open wood frames arranged gallery wall style with a script quote. The font and quote keeps the continuity of the branding from the front of the store consistent throughout the space and still feels whimsical and not heavy handed.

Sukah Amsterdam | Gather Goods Co

When other colors were used in the merchandising of the space they stuck to light grays, and very pale pastels.

Sukah Amsterdam | Gather Goods Co

I especially enjoyed this table topped with beautiful ceramic pieces. Those white ceramic tea pots with wooden handles and copper details are right up my alley.

Sukah Amsterdam | Gather Goods Co

The attention to detail extended to their employee kitchenette, which fully visible from the shop, was tidy and perfectly lovely. Sigh, if only my kitchen stayed that way.

Sukah Amsterdam | Gather Goods Co

These wooden cabinets on the wall create movement and allow the space to not feel static and all “on display”. The clothing racks in the shop were made from birch wood and rope hung from the ceiling.

Sukah Amsterdam | Gather Goods Co

Sukah Amsterdam | Gather Goods Co

And as you leave a sweet little sign framed in wood. So nice.

Photos by Michelle Smith. Hire me for your next project.

Instagram Inspiration

Here are some things that have caught my eye on instagram:

Desk Alcove

I like the idea of a handsome desk tucked away into a corner. This desk posted by homepolish with it’s dark wood and single drawer is the perfect accent against an elegant backdrop of white walls and woodwork.

Ernie's Tin Bar in Petaluma, hand lettered sign, galvanized tin planters, inviting patio space with string lights | Gather Goods Co

I’m perpetually curious and inspired by restaurant and retail spaces in other locales. This roadside spot in Petaluma captured by aguynamedpatrick looks intriguing. The tall galvanized tin bucket planters close in the patio, the patio lights add ambiance and of course the hand lettered sign on the old facade is rustic perfection.

Henry Howard Hotel, New Orleans Louisiana features a four poster bed, blue and white toile wallpaper and a trombone as decor | Gather Goods Co

Here’s another spot I wouldn’t mind visiting one day. This hotel room at the Henry Howard Hotel in New Orleans captured by designsponge on her instagram looks divine. I am a sucker for blue and white toile wallpaper and a four poster bed. Everything about this room says cozy and refined and I especially love the nod towards Louisiana jazz culture with the trombone above the bed.

Peony Photograph by Ngoc Minh Ngo | Gather Goods Co

If I could take pictures all day every day of flowers I would be a happy girl. That’s why I’m always enamored with the photographs of Ngoc Minh Ngo, she is a photographer after my own heart. I adore the photos in her first book Bringing Nature Home and stumbled upon this gorgeous photo of a peony on her instagram account.

If You Don't Know Where You Are Going, You'll End Up Someplace Else Quote

When you run a business there are so many goals to set and try to reach. This quote by Yogi Berra hand lettered by Sycamore Street Press and posted on their instagram hits home.

Cozy living room of Victoria Smith of SFGirlByBay with round white coffee table, wicker day bed and floor to ceiling bookshelves | Gather Goods Co

I am always in awe of the decorating sense of Victoria Smith of sfgirlbybay. When she shares snippets of her house on instagram and elseware, they are always so good and the space looks wonderfully cozy and inviting. Major house goals.